8 am yesterday morning: It's a non-preschool, non-work day, so we're taking it easy. I'm still in my pjs, folding clothes in the living room while the boys play .
All of the sudden Drew says, "I need to go outside quick."
"Now?" I ask, looking at the clock.
"Yeah," he says, "I need to get something to give you."
"Ok," I say, somewhat puzzled, "Put your shoes and your sweatshirt on."
A few minutes later, he comes back in looking a little concerned.
"Mom," he asks, "Where are all the dandelions?"
I can't help smiling. "Well, it's October, Drew. The dandelions are all gone now."
(Brad would want me to insert here that we never really had any dandelions in our yard. The neighbors yes, but not us. Well, maybe a few in early spring, but he promptly eradicated them. Very promptly.)
Drew, however, doesn't care about our beautifully lush green lawn. He's crushed. Tears start to well in his eyes. "I wanted to give you dandelions, Mommy!"
"Well," I say, "you could find me a pretty leaf. There are lots of leaves on the lawn."
He covers his face with his hands. "But I want it to be a surprise!!"
"Oh, I'll be surprised," I assure him.
And with that he's out the door, in search of leaf.
Needless to say, I'll still have that crumpled brown leaf when he gets married.
1pm: We're on our way home from Wal-mart and Drew is sitting in the back of the van, sharing a bag of M&M's with his good friend, Sarah.
He looks out the window at the cold, grey October sky and exclaims with a satisfied sigh, "What a beautiful day for some M&Ms!"
I couldn't agree more.
I'm madly putting away laundry and picking up the house so I can feel like I've accomplished
something before feeding the kids dinner and handing them off to Brad so I can get to worship team practice.
Drew comes into my room and looks at me imploringly. "Will you play a game with me?"
"Not now, sweetheart. I've got to get the house picked up." In my defense, we had just finished three rounds of Sequence for Kids. (I emerged the champion, in case you were wondering. It never happens, so it's ok that I gloat.)
"Will you play pets with me?" He persists, referring to a bagful of beanie babies his Bestemor gave him. "You can be the mommy and I'll be the son."
Sensing an opportunity, I grabbed him, gave him a hug, and said, jokingly, "I have an idea. Why don't we pretend that I'm the mommy and you're the little boy and I have to pick up the house and put away laundry, so you have to take care of the pets."
Drew, dead serious, says, "Ok!!" and trots off to find his animals.
UPDATE: Today I pick Drew up from school and as I'm helping him into the van he says, "Hey mom, when we get home can we play that game where you're the mom and I'm the kid and you're busy so I have to take care of the pets?" Hmmm..I might get my dusting done after all.