Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
What'd you expect me to say?
So, Liam's a little under the weather. I thought he felt warm tonight, so I talked Brad into pinning him down while I went at him with that horrible rectal thermometer.
As soon as the dirty deed was done and it was clear he did indeed have a fever, I tried to get at the nature of the illness by asking, "Liam, does something hurt?"
"Yes," he answered, with a whimper.
"What hurts, sweetheart?" I asked, in my most sympathetic mommy voice.
Still whimpering, he replied, "My butt."
Brad and I laughed so hard, eventually even Liam started to giggle.
As soon as the dirty deed was done and it was clear he did indeed have a fever, I tried to get at the nature of the illness by asking, "Liam, does something hurt?"
"Yes," he answered, with a whimper.
"What hurts, sweetheart?" I asked, in my most sympathetic mommy voice.
Still whimpering, he replied, "My butt."
Brad and I laughed so hard, eventually even Liam started to giggle.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Look out, there's a two year old in the house!

Liam turned two today, the whole family came to celebrate with us, and there were no tantrums! (BTW, no one was worried about the two-year-old having a tantrum--it was mom who has a history of losing it at 2 year b-day parties!)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The First Day of School!

Drew started Pre-K today! Our district has a great program for those summer birthday kids who could go to kindergarten but would benefit from a little extra time. He'll go all day (8-3) three days a week. He's SO excited and I know he's going to love it.
As for mom, those four hours between 11 (when he used to be done with preschool) and 3 are going to seem like an eternity!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
He's five...
...and able to leap small buildings in a single bound!
The birthday theme this year was water fun!!

We spent a wonderful afternoon celebrating with family at beautiful park complete with beach front.
And for the "kid" party: one slip and slide, one inflatable pool, and a cooler full of water balloons=6 very wet, but very happy kids! (I had to call them twice for cake!!)
Who would have guessed blue frosting could be so much fun?

We spent a wonderful afternoon celebrating with family at beautiful park complete with beach front.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Why I've Been Neglecting My Blog!
Since I've been totally neglecting my blog, I thought the least I could do was show you what I've been doing instead!
That's Liam modeling my latest project -- a hat that's actually for Brad (trust me, it's very stretchy!)
I also made him mittens:

My very first truly successful mittens, I might add. Maybe you'd like to take a closer look... :)

And this is actually a bag I made for my sister-in-law for Christmas...I was uploading it for Ravelry.com anyway (another reason I haven't been blogging), so thought I'd add it here as well.

I also made him mittens:

My very first truly successful mittens, I might add. Maybe you'd like to take a closer look... :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
True Maturity
In my very first post on this blog, I talked about the moment I first felt like a grown-up. Today I bring you irrefutable proof that indeed I am officially and undoubtedly an adult.
Behold, the Kenmore Progressive Canister Vacuum:
No other material possession has brought me such sheer, unadulterated joy since... well, since we bought our minivan last year. (I rest my case.)
We found it a week ago, spent a week doing internet research (Brad) and dreaming/pining(me), and finally purchased it this weekend. As soon as Brad had it out of the van, I carefully and reverently unpacked it, put it together and read the manual from cover to cover.
And then, I vacuumed! Oh, the glory, the splendor of it all. The kitchen tile, the hardwoods, the area rug, the cursed almost-shag carpet on the stairs--it does it all with grace and simplicity.
I think I'm in love.
Behold, the Kenmore Progressive Canister Vacuum:

We found it a week ago, spent a week doing internet research (Brad) and dreaming/pining(me), and finally purchased it this weekend. As soon as Brad had it out of the van, I carefully and reverently unpacked it, put it together and read the manual from cover to cover.
And then, I vacuumed! Oh, the glory, the splendor of it all. The kitchen tile, the hardwoods, the area rug, the cursed almost-shag carpet on the stairs--it does it all with grace and simplicity.
I think I'm in love.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Here she is....
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Because I Don't Want to Forget
So, the boys and I have been doing a lot of dancing and praising God in our kitchen lately. They both love to dance, so we often crank up the music and cut loose while I'm making lunch or cleaning up. A few weeks ago, we were rocking out to Israel Houghton's "You are Good"--I mean really, you gotta listen to that song LOUD--and Drew stops and looks at me and says, all serious-like, "Mom, you know why God is good?"
I quickly turn down the music and ask, "Why?"
"Well," he says, "because when God was deciding how he was going to do things, he decided to keep his promises."
Huh. God is good...because he keeps his promises.
I think you're on to something, son.
I quickly turn down the music and ask, "Why?"
"Well," he says, "because when God was deciding how he was going to do things, he decided to keep his promises."
Huh. God is good...because he keeps his promises.
I think you're on to something, son.
Friday, April 11, 2008
This was the scene in my kitchen last night as I cleaned up after dinner:

And the victory goes to.....

Somehow I can see this same scene playing out when they're 15 and 18!

And the victory goes to.....

Somehow I can see this same scene playing out when they're 15 and 18!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I'm an Aunt!!!
My little brother and his precious wife had a baby girl on Monday! You can read all about it (and see pics) at his blog. We're heading up to see them this weekend, so I'll post pics of the cousins (hooray, my kids have a COUSIN!!!) when we get back!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Practicing Obedience
I have so very many blog posts spinning around in my head. That's what happens when you don't blog for months at a time, I suppose. So, the best cure for that, I suppose, would be to pick something and talk about it, huh?
Ok, here goes.
So I'm leading our women's bible study this year as we work through Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself (a study of the fruit of the Spirit). I cannot tell you what a blessing this has been for me.
Our bible study is an ecumenical group sponsored by our church. The women are of all ages and stages of life, and we meet once a week on Wednesday mornings for prayer and study. We have a wonderful leader who does all the organizational tasks for the group and leads our prayer time, but usually we've taken turns -- on a week by week basis -- leading the discussions.
This summer a small committee consisting of myself, our leader Barbara, and another woman named Evelyn (who is one of the godliest women I know) were charged with choosing what we would study this academic year. We had decided we were going to spend the first 6 weeks on a study of prayer led by Barbara, and then had narrowed our choices for the remainder of the year down to either the Beth Moore study OR a study on the book of James. We decided to each spend time doing the studies and praying for God's direction and then meet again to make a decision. I spent time with both studies and prayed and prayed for God to reveal which one we should do. I got no answers. Not an inkling of direction about which one we should do. What I did get was this very quiet feeling that if we chose the Beth Moore study, I should lead the discussions.
At first I didn't trust that it was even from God -- how could He ask me to do this? I had my hands absolutely full juggling two part-time jobs and a family, I didn't need another responsibility right now. But the more I prayed about it, the more sure I became that this is what God was saying to me. Then the insecurities began: Who am I to think that they would even want me to lead every week? Many of those women already have to deal with me leading worship at church, they're probably sick to death of me! Who do I think I am, anyway? But God was insistent: IF we decided to do the Beth Moore study, I at least needed to volunteer to lead it.
So, eventually the three of us gathered at Barbara's house to make our decision. After prayer and some discussion of other logistical issues, Barbara posed the question: did we know which study we should do? I sat perfectly still, not about to utter a word. Didn't have to -- Evelyn immediately responded with, "Well, I do! We're supposed to do Beth Moore - the fruit of the Spirit." I winced. (I really did!) And then I muttered, almost begrudgingly, "Well, you should know that God told me if we did this study I was supposed to lead it." Almost immediately tears sprang into Evelyn's eyes. Turns out that as God revealed to her that we should do the Beth Moore study, he also put it on her heart to pray that someone would volunteer to lead it. Now if that ain't the Holy Spirit at work, I just don't know what is.
Needless to say, I was now committed to leading this study. Which was all well and good, because after all, God had gone to some lengths to orchestrate the whole thing and I felt pretty certain He was up to something. But still, I was now going to have to actually lead the bible study. And that meant time and effort and energy to prepare and all that stuff that I didn't think I had any extra of, right?
And that's where the real miracle happens. Because I started praying right away -- and so did Barbara and Evelyn, thank goodness -- that God would equip me to do what He had called me to do. I told God right from the start that this was His idea and I was happy to go along with it, but He would have to just do it through me.
And, let me just tell you, that's exactly what He did. Now usually I'm not so good at getting out of God's way and letting Him do His thing -- I usually like to get right in there with my own little schemes and plans and quickly relegate Him to offering occasional wise counsel and emergency rescue. But, in this particular case, He really didn't give me any choice in the matter. This was His plan and He would see it through.
And, ladies and gentlemen, I have never been so blessed. Never once has this felt like a burden. The time I have spent studying the lessons has been transformational. And the time I've spent preparing to lead the discussion has been nothing but rewarding. Every single week God has directed me so clearly as to what we should discuss and how we should spend our time. It's been such a precious time of hearing and discerning His voice -- and practicing obedience to it. It hasn't been stressful, it hasn't been exhausting, it hasn't been taxing. In fact, it's been just the opposite: it's been refreshing, exhilirating, sometimes even downright fun. Now, this doesn't mean that every discussion has gone perfectly well or been a complete success. Not at all. But God has taken my somewhat reluctant willingness to be obedient in this small matter, and given me back so much more than I could have ever hoped or dreamed.
Jesus says, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matt. 11: 30) This isn't to say that everything God asks of you is going to be a piece of cake -- or that you won't suffer. After all, Jesus also says, "Take up your cross and follow Me." But it is to say this: submission to God's plan brings immeasurable joy, blessing, freedom and peace. I want to keep doing what God asks me to do -- keep saying "yes!" to God--because I want to know in the rest of my life the peaceful rest in God's leadership and provision that I've experienced in leading this bible study . I know, oh how well do I know, what happens when I say "no" to God. And this, my friends, this peace in acknowledging the authority of God, no matter how much it costs, is just so much better.
Ok, here goes.
So I'm leading our women's bible study this year as we work through Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself (a study of the fruit of the Spirit). I cannot tell you what a blessing this has been for me.
Our bible study is an ecumenical group sponsored by our church. The women are of all ages and stages of life, and we meet once a week on Wednesday mornings for prayer and study. We have a wonderful leader who does all the organizational tasks for the group and leads our prayer time, but usually we've taken turns -- on a week by week basis -- leading the discussions.
This summer a small committee consisting of myself, our leader Barbara, and another woman named Evelyn (who is one of the godliest women I know) were charged with choosing what we would study this academic year. We had decided we were going to spend the first 6 weeks on a study of prayer led by Barbara, and then had narrowed our choices for the remainder of the year down to either the Beth Moore study OR a study on the book of James. We decided to each spend time doing the studies and praying for God's direction and then meet again to make a decision. I spent time with both studies and prayed and prayed for God to reveal which one we should do. I got no answers. Not an inkling of direction about which one we should do. What I did get was this very quiet feeling that if we chose the Beth Moore study, I should lead the discussions.
At first I didn't trust that it was even from God -- how could He ask me to do this? I had my hands absolutely full juggling two part-time jobs and a family, I didn't need another responsibility right now. But the more I prayed about it, the more sure I became that this is what God was saying to me. Then the insecurities began: Who am I to think that they would even want me to lead every week? Many of those women already have to deal with me leading worship at church, they're probably sick to death of me! Who do I think I am, anyway? But God was insistent: IF we decided to do the Beth Moore study, I at least needed to volunteer to lead it.
So, eventually the three of us gathered at Barbara's house to make our decision. After prayer and some discussion of other logistical issues, Barbara posed the question: did we know which study we should do? I sat perfectly still, not about to utter a word. Didn't have to -- Evelyn immediately responded with, "Well, I do! We're supposed to do Beth Moore - the fruit of the Spirit." I winced. (I really did!) And then I muttered, almost begrudgingly, "Well, you should know that God told me if we did this study I was supposed to lead it." Almost immediately tears sprang into Evelyn's eyes. Turns out that as God revealed to her that we should do the Beth Moore study, he also put it on her heart to pray that someone would volunteer to lead it. Now if that ain't the Holy Spirit at work, I just don't know what is.
Needless to say, I was now committed to leading this study. Which was all well and good, because after all, God had gone to some lengths to orchestrate the whole thing and I felt pretty certain He was up to something. But still, I was now going to have to actually lead the bible study. And that meant time and effort and energy to prepare and all that stuff that I didn't think I had any extra of, right?
And that's where the real miracle happens. Because I started praying right away -- and so did Barbara and Evelyn, thank goodness -- that God would equip me to do what He had called me to do. I told God right from the start that this was His idea and I was happy to go along with it, but He would have to just do it through me.
And, let me just tell you, that's exactly what He did. Now usually I'm not so good at getting out of God's way and letting Him do His thing -- I usually like to get right in there with my own little schemes and plans and quickly relegate Him to offering occasional wise counsel and emergency rescue. But, in this particular case, He really didn't give me any choice in the matter. This was His plan and He would see it through.
And, ladies and gentlemen, I have never been so blessed. Never once has this felt like a burden. The time I have spent studying the lessons has been transformational. And the time I've spent preparing to lead the discussion has been nothing but rewarding. Every single week God has directed me so clearly as to what we should discuss and how we should spend our time. It's been such a precious time of hearing and discerning His voice -- and practicing obedience to it. It hasn't been stressful, it hasn't been exhausting, it hasn't been taxing. In fact, it's been just the opposite: it's been refreshing, exhilirating, sometimes even downright fun. Now, this doesn't mean that every discussion has gone perfectly well or been a complete success. Not at all. But God has taken my somewhat reluctant willingness to be obedient in this small matter, and given me back so much more than I could have ever hoped or dreamed.
Jesus says, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Matt. 11: 30) This isn't to say that everything God asks of you is going to be a piece of cake -- or that you won't suffer. After all, Jesus also says, "Take up your cross and follow Me." But it is to say this: submission to God's plan brings immeasurable joy, blessing, freedom and peace. I want to keep doing what God asks me to do -- keep saying "yes!" to God--because I want to know in the rest of my life the peaceful rest in God's leadership and provision that I've experienced in leading this bible study . I know, oh how well do I know, what happens when I say "no" to God. And this, my friends, this peace in acknowledging the authority of God, no matter how much it costs, is just so much better.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, etc.
In the interest of moving beyond Halloween, I present, drumroll please....a new post. Really, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Or later. Or later.
I'm not about to recap the last 3 months of our lives, so we'll be moving on from here. BUT...I do want to record one funny Drew story from Christmas for posterity's sake.
Here it is:
It's Saturday morning, Dec. 23rd and we're preparing for the Torkelson Christmas celebration to be held later that day. Drew and his daddy went off to Target to find Mommy a Christmas present (Mommy, miracle of miracles, had all of her presents bought and wrapped already, thank you very much!). They returned home and Drew walked past the bathroom where I was getting ready (yes, it was almost noon and yes, I was just getting out of the shower -- oh, the joys of vacation!) I said, "Hi Drew!" and immediately he replied, with a great deal of vigor, "I'm NOT going to tell you the surprise!"
"Oh, of course, not." I replied, calmly. (Unlike his father, I enjoy being surprised and was not about to pry anything out of him.)
"BUT," he continued, as if he hadn't even heard me, "I WILL tell you (big dramatic pause) they've got REINDEER on them!"
"Ok," I said, trying to hide my smile. "But don't tell me any more."
He shook his head, like of course, he wouldn't say anymore and then promptly proclaimed, ever so dramatically, "Well, I'm NOT going to tell you they're slippers!"
I'm not about to recap the last 3 months of our lives, so we'll be moving on from here. BUT...I do want to record one funny Drew story from Christmas for posterity's sake.
Here it is:
It's Saturday morning, Dec. 23rd and we're preparing for the Torkelson Christmas celebration to be held later that day. Drew and his daddy went off to Target to find Mommy a Christmas present (Mommy, miracle of miracles, had all of her presents bought and wrapped already, thank you very much!). They returned home and Drew walked past the bathroom where I was getting ready (yes, it was almost noon and yes, I was just getting out of the shower -- oh, the joys of vacation!) I said, "Hi Drew!" and immediately he replied, with a great deal of vigor, "I'm NOT going to tell you the surprise!"
"Oh, of course, not." I replied, calmly. (Unlike his father, I enjoy being surprised and was not about to pry anything out of him.)
"BUT," he continued, as if he hadn't even heard me, "I WILL tell you (big dramatic pause) they've got REINDEER on them!"
"Ok," I said, trying to hide my smile. "But don't tell me any more."
He shook his head, like of course, he wouldn't say anymore and then promptly proclaimed, ever so dramatically, "Well, I'm NOT going to tell you they're slippers!"
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