I'm not about to recap the last 3 months of our lives, so we'll be moving on from here. BUT...I do want to record one funny Drew story from Christmas for posterity's sake.
Here it is:
It's Saturday morning, Dec. 23rd and we're preparing for the Torkelson Christmas celebration to be held later that day. Drew and his daddy went off to Target to find Mommy a Christmas present (Mommy, miracle of miracles, had all of her presents bought and wrapped already, thank you very much!). They returned home and Drew walked past the bathroom where I was getting ready (yes, it was almost noon and yes, I was just getting out of the shower -- oh, the joys of vacation!) I said, "Hi Drew!" and immediately he replied, with a great deal of vigor, "I'm NOT going to tell you the surprise!"
"Oh, of course, not." I replied, calmly. (Unlike his father, I enjoy being surprised and was not about to pry anything out of him.)
"BUT," he continued, as if he hadn't even heard me, "I WILL tell you (big dramatic pause) they've got REINDEER on them!"
"Ok," I said, trying to hide my smile. "But don't tell me any more."
He shook his head, like of course, he wouldn't say anymore and then promptly proclaimed, ever so dramatically, "Well, I'm NOT going to tell you they're slippers!"