So Liam and I are walking across the Luther campus and we see a nice-looking man in a suit.
Liam says, "He looks like he's on TV."
"What?" I ask, a little confused.
"He looks like he's on TV," he repeats.
"Oh.." I respond, thinking he's picturing a news anchor or something.
"Yeah, he looks like Michael," Liam continues.
"Michael?" I ask, racking my brain for a Disney or PBS show character named Michael (who wears a three-piece suit, no less!). Coming up empty, I ask, "Who's Michael?"
"Oh, Michael's an office worker," says Liam, confidently, "He works in an office."
He smiles up at me ever so sweetly, but it's too late -- I'm already dialing his dad on the cell phone.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trick or Treat!!

Well, much has happened in Chamberlain-land since last I blogged (June!) but we'll save that for another post.
Today, it's time for the annual Halloween post (which, as things are going, may well turn into the annual post, period!). This year we were thrilled to have our dear friends Grant and Anna with us for the day. While Anna was napping, the boys carved pumpkins.

After supper, we traded in four mild-mannered children for this:

It was a great night for trick-or-treating, and the kids (and grown-ups) had a blast together!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Future Defense Attorney, Perhaps
Today Drew did something to exasperate Liam, and Liam hit him. (Hmmm, I could probably say that sentence every other day.) At the end of Liam's time out, I asked him why he was in a timeout.
"Because Drew kicked my truck!" was his immediate response.
"No, Liam, why are YOU in time out?" I pressed.
"Because Drew did....and Drew....and then Drew....and he frustrated me!"
"So, what did YOU do, Liam?" I asked, gently.
"I got a timeout."
Oh, the injustice.
"Because Drew kicked my truck!" was his immediate response.
"No, Liam, why are YOU in time out?" I pressed.
"Because Drew did....and Drew....and then Drew....and he frustrated me!"
"So, what did YOU do, Liam?" I asked, gently.
"I got a timeout."
Oh, the injustice.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Glubs, Katiebugs and Wiggly Readers
I've been keeping a list of the funny 2-yr-old way Liam says certain things that I don't want to forget.
Here's a couple just from today:
(asking about when his birthday is) "When will my birthday be ready?"
(talking about his best friend) "Anna's my SO MUCH friend!"
Some of my other favorites:
gloves (and mittens, actually) = "glubs"
ladybugs = "katiebugs" (I refuse to correct this one, b/c I just love it so and want it to last forever! So shh--don't wreck it! Of course, this is how teenage boys (BRAD) end up still thinking puppies are called "buppies" and a sip of pop is a "zip!")
pretend = "tember" as in, "I tember I baby Cheetah, Mommy. You tember you the Mommy Cheetah!"
hill = "hilp"
kleenex = "pleenex"
McDonalds = "Picdonald's"
And finally, Liam's first knock-knock joke (told consistently, over and over and over and...):
Liam: Knock, Knock
You: Who's there?
Liam: Orange
You: Orange who?
Liam: People!!! (followed - always - by gales of uproarious laughter)
When Drew was two, I didn't have a blog, so I've forgotten most of his funny little sayings. I do remember one, however:
The summer Drew was two, he referred to the Whippy Dip (local ice cream shop) as the "Lip Lip." The neighbors thought that was hilarious and promptly began referring to the Whippy Dip as the Lip Lip from that point forward. The following summer, when Drew was an oh, so mature 3 years old, the neighbor kids asked him if he'd been to the "Lip Lip" yet. He looked at them with total disdain and answered in a perfectly condescending tone, "It's not the Lip Lip. It's the Lippy Dip." Get it right, people.
Of course, at almost six, he's not beyond having his own funny sayings:
My favorites:
weekly reader = "wiggly" reader (again, just can't bear to correct him!)
Mars = Marv's
And one of the all-time best:
Drew: Mom, is Great-Papa one of my anbrothers?
Me: Your what?
Drew: You know...anbrothers? The people that go before you?
Me (after a moment of deep thought): Oh, you mean ancestors?
Drew: Yeah! Ancestors!
Me: Yes, he is.
Drew (after a moment of deep thought and then a burst of laughter): OH! I thought it was ansisters --- and anbrothers!!
Here's a couple just from today:
(asking about when his birthday is) "When will my birthday be ready?"
(talking about his best friend) "Anna's my SO MUCH friend!"
Some of my other favorites:
gloves (and mittens, actually) = "glubs"
ladybugs = "katiebugs" (I refuse to correct this one, b/c I just love it so and want it to last forever! So shh--don't wreck it! Of course, this is how teenage boys (BRAD) end up still thinking puppies are called "buppies" and a sip of pop is a "zip!")
pretend = "tember" as in, "I tember I baby Cheetah, Mommy. You tember you the Mommy Cheetah!"
hill = "hilp"
kleenex = "pleenex"
McDonalds = "Picdonald's"
And finally, Liam's first knock-knock joke (told consistently, over and over and over and...):
Liam: Knock, Knock
You: Who's there?
Liam: Orange
You: Orange who?
Liam: People!!! (followed - always - by gales of uproarious laughter)
When Drew was two, I didn't have a blog, so I've forgotten most of his funny little sayings. I do remember one, however:
The summer Drew was two, he referred to the Whippy Dip (local ice cream shop) as the "Lip Lip." The neighbors thought that was hilarious and promptly began referring to the Whippy Dip as the Lip Lip from that point forward. The following summer, when Drew was an oh, so mature 3 years old, the neighbor kids asked him if he'd been to the "Lip Lip" yet. He looked at them with total disdain and answered in a perfectly condescending tone, "It's not the Lip Lip. It's the Lippy Dip." Get it right, people.
Of course, at almost six, he's not beyond having his own funny sayings:
My favorites:
weekly reader = "wiggly" reader (again, just can't bear to correct him!)
Mars = Marv's
And one of the all-time best:
Drew: Mom, is Great-Papa one of my anbrothers?
Me: Your what?
Drew: You know...anbrothers? The people that go before you?
Me (after a moment of deep thought): Oh, you mean ancestors?
Drew: Yeah! Ancestors!
Me: Yes, he is.
Drew (after a moment of deep thought and then a burst of laughter): OH! I thought it was ansisters --- and anbrothers!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
File Under: Things My Children Will No Longer Say in 10 Years
Drew had field day at school yesterday and I went to help out. It was a gorgeous day and we all had a great time going from station to station playing games. I was in charge of a group of 7: Drew and 6 of his classmates. About half way through, Drew flashed me a dreamy smile and then said, "Only one person on my team is lucky enough to have his MOM as the leader! And it's ME!!!"
I was goofing around with Liam yesterday and said, "Liam, I have a surprise for you!"
He glanced over at me and asked, "What?"
"You'll never guess," I continued.
His eyes widened now, "What?!!"
"I love you!" I responded, a little afraid that he'd now be disappointed.
No worries. He immediately threw up his hands in the air and shouted, "YIPPEE!!!"
Who says you don't get paid to be a stay-at-home mom??
Drew had field day at school yesterday and I went to help out. It was a gorgeous day and we all had a great time going from station to station playing games. I was in charge of a group of 7: Drew and 6 of his classmates. About half way through, Drew flashed me a dreamy smile and then said, "Only one person on my team is lucky enough to have his MOM as the leader! And it's ME!!!"
I was goofing around with Liam yesterday and said, "Liam, I have a surprise for you!"
He glanced over at me and asked, "What?"
"You'll never guess," I continued.
His eyes widened now, "What?!!"
"I love you!" I responded, a little afraid that he'd now be disappointed.
No worries. He immediately threw up his hands in the air and shouted, "YIPPEE!!!"
Who says you don't get paid to be a stay-at-home mom??
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Apocalyptic Personality Test
Yesterday I worked, and after picking up Drew from school, we headed over to my dear friend's house to pick up Liam. As Steph and I talked, the boys and her two kids played in the backyard. We weren't really paying attention to what they were playing except that it involved working in the "garden" and then running to a nearby tent to take shelter. As their playtime drew to a close, we tuned in just in time to take in this:
Drew, safely taking refuge in the tent with Steph's two kids, shouts desperately, "LIAM!!! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!"
Liam, calmly hoeing in the garden, looks up at the sky, shrugs his shoulders and returns to his work, saying, "It's not even raining!"
And that, my friends, says it all.
Drew, safely taking refuge in the tent with Steph's two kids, shouts desperately, "LIAM!!! IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!!!"
Liam, calmly hoeing in the garden, looks up at the sky, shrugs his shoulders and returns to his work, saying, "It's not even raining!"
And that, my friends, says it all.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
We are the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A Great Mom's Day

It was a perfect Mother's Day:
Culver's (with my very own dish of ice cream!)
and Gifts!
Brad took the boys to Wal-mart and let them loose (figuratively, that is) with one question: What does Mommy like to do?
Here's what they came up with:
Yarn (Luther blue, of course!)
Flowers (fake, b/c Mommy can't keep anything alive)
Diet Mountain Dew (no explanation necessary)
Chocolate (ditto)
Corn on the Cob skewers (b/c I like to cook?!?)
A Magazine (b/c I like to read -- and they picked the finest of literature, as you can see!)
Absolute treasures!!! (the gifts and the givers!)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Safety first!

He did eventually find his way onto the bike that usually goes with helmet-wearing. All systems were go...if only he could reach the pedals.

March Madness comes to Decorah
We all had a great time at Drew's Biddy Basketball game. Drew was right in there, dribbling and shooting the ball -- just having a great time. Of course, it was pure torture for Liam, but he was very good about waiting until the game was over to get his chance to play.
After Drew's team had had their snack, Liam had gotten a chance to play a little and the next teams were lining up to do their "warm ups," we gathered our things and started to head for the door. Suddenly we realized Liam wasn't with us. We looked down on the gym floor, and there right in the middle of a line of red-shirted 5- and 6-year olds was Liam, patiently waiting for his turn at the net, like he was just another member of the team (he was wearing red, after all!). Before we could grab him, he found himself at the front of the line, took the ball, shot and scored.
We did manage to snatch him out of there before one of the coaches recruited him.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Blame it on the tooth fairy
This is Drew.

This is Drew with a very loose tooth.

This is Drew after he lost his first tooth!!!

And now, for the rest of the story.
Drew was actually home sick the day he lost his tooth. Of course we made a big deal of putting his tooth (in a baggie) under his pillow for the tooth fairy.
(A little back story here. A friend of his had already told him her parents put the money under her pillow, so he was not only sick, but also highly skeptical. I told him we certainly were not giving him any money, so his only hope was for the tooth fairy to come through.)
So, morning came and Drew slept in until after 9am. The rest of us were downstairs in the kitchen when he came in, all feverish and red-cheeked, hair standing on end, big scowl on his face and slapped the baggie with his tooth still in it on the counter.
"This is all there was!" He said, and walked away.
Yeah, the tooth fairy FORGOT to come. I know. Worst parents ever. Just give us the medal right now and be done with it.
In a matter of about 20 seconds, we exchanged horrified looks over his head, stifled our laughter at the dramatic scene that had just unfolded before us and then -- in a moment of brilliance only a mother's guilt could produce -- I offered this:
"You know, Drew, you are pretty sick. I bet the tooth fairy didn't dare come while you were sick, because she has to go from house to house and she wouldn't want to get any of the other children sick." (And we wonder why he's a germaphobe!)
He didn't respond.
Later that day we were playing the Allowance Game and Drew landed on a square that says "Lose a tooth. Receive $1." Drew looked at me and said, "Why can't MY parents give me a dollar for my tooth?!!" I reiterated our position -- either the tooth fairy comes through or you're out of luck. He just scowled at me.
So, that night we put Drew to bed and then realized the tooth was still on the kitchen counter. I went up to his room and suggested we give it another try. He responded by saying he was still sick so the tooth fairy would probably not come. His Bestemor had suggested putting the tooth in a glass of water beside his bed (I'm not sure where this came from, we never did that growing up!) so I reminded him of her idea and mentioned that maybe if we just put the glass on his window sill the tooth fairy wouldn't have to get close to him and therefore wouldn't have to worry about carrying his germs to the other children. He went for it.
The tooth fairy came. And left not one, but two dollars. (Late fee? Interest? Or are we now stuck giving him $2 for every tooth?)
Strangely enough, I think the whole situation convinced him the tooth fairy is, in fact, real. I mean, how else do you explain it?

This is Drew with a very loose tooth.

This is Drew after he lost his first tooth!!!

And now, for the rest of the story.
Drew was actually home sick the day he lost his tooth. Of course we made a big deal of putting his tooth (in a baggie) under his pillow for the tooth fairy.
(A little back story here. A friend of his had already told him her parents put the money under her pillow, so he was not only sick, but also highly skeptical. I told him we certainly were not giving him any money, so his only hope was for the tooth fairy to come through.)
So, morning came and Drew slept in until after 9am. The rest of us were downstairs in the kitchen when he came in, all feverish and red-cheeked, hair standing on end, big scowl on his face and slapped the baggie with his tooth still in it on the counter.
"This is all there was!" He said, and walked away.
Yeah, the tooth fairy FORGOT to come. I know. Worst parents ever. Just give us the medal right now and be done with it.
In a matter of about 20 seconds, we exchanged horrified looks over his head, stifled our laughter at the dramatic scene that had just unfolded before us and then -- in a moment of brilliance only a mother's guilt could produce -- I offered this:
"You know, Drew, you are pretty sick. I bet the tooth fairy didn't dare come while you were sick, because she has to go from house to house and she wouldn't want to get any of the other children sick." (And we wonder why he's a germaphobe!)
He didn't respond.
Later that day we were playing the Allowance Game and Drew landed on a square that says "Lose a tooth. Receive $1." Drew looked at me and said, "Why can't MY parents give me a dollar for my tooth?!!" I reiterated our position -- either the tooth fairy comes through or you're out of luck. He just scowled at me.
So, that night we put Drew to bed and then realized the tooth was still on the kitchen counter. I went up to his room and suggested we give it another try. He responded by saying he was still sick so the tooth fairy would probably not come. His Bestemor had suggested putting the tooth in a glass of water beside his bed (I'm not sure where this came from, we never did that growing up!) so I reminded him of her idea and mentioned that maybe if we just put the glass on his window sill the tooth fairy wouldn't have to get close to him and therefore wouldn't have to worry about carrying his germs to the other children. He went for it.
The tooth fairy came. And left not one, but two dollars. (Late fee? Interest? Or are we now stuck giving him $2 for every tooth?)
Strangely enough, I think the whole situation convinced him the tooth fairy is, in fact, real. I mean, how else do you explain it?
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Yeah, we're just so proud!
So, Drew was working on some math problems tonight and Liam wanted to get in on the action so I was helping him with his letters. This is how it went:
Me (after writing an L on his paper): Liam, what's that letter?
Liam: L!!!
Me: Right, L for Liam. (Wrote an O on the paper) What's that, Liam?
Liam: O!!!
Me: Good. Now what's this? (Wrote an M)
Liam: McDonald's!!!
Me (after writing an L on his paper): Liam, what's that letter?
Liam: L!!!
Me: Right, L for Liam. (Wrote an O on the paper) What's that, Liam?
Liam: O!!!
Me: Good. Now what's this? (Wrote an M)
Liam: McDonald's!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Something about Halloween...
Clearly, there's something about that Halloween picture. The same thing happened last year -- I post the requisite Halloween picture and then promptly ignore my blog until sometime into the next calendar year. Last year it was the end of January -- this year we're into March (and let's be real...if not for my brother's nagging comments the mummy and the clown would still be gracing the top of this page even now!)
The sad thing is, my children have been providing enough blog material for about 10 blogging moms lately. And 5 years from now (or tomorrow) I'm going to kick myself for not having recorded this stuff somewhere.
So...for posterity, for the sake of moving past Halloween, and to make my brother happy --- a picture and a story:
For the past week or so, Liam has become very attached to a certain Twins baseball cap handed down to him from his brother. And by attached, I mean literally, physically all times.
The other morning when I went to get Liam out of bed, this is what I found:

Funnier yet, earlier that morning I heard him fussing and went in to fix his covers and tell him it wasn't time to get up yet. Though he wasn't even fully awake, his little arm popped out of the covers and groped around in the dark until it landed on his cap. Then he sat up, popped the cap on his head, shifted it back and forth until it was on just right, and laid back down to sleep.
I think he's been hanging out with his uncle Kevin too much!
The sad thing is, my children have been providing enough blog material for about 10 blogging moms lately. And 5 years from now (or tomorrow) I'm going to kick myself for not having recorded this stuff somewhere.
So...for posterity, for the sake of moving past Halloween, and to make my brother happy --- a picture and a story:
For the past week or so, Liam has become very attached to a certain Twins baseball cap handed down to him from his brother. And by attached, I mean literally, physically all times.
The other morning when I went to get Liam out of bed, this is what I found:

Funnier yet, earlier that morning I heard him fussing and went in to fix his covers and tell him it wasn't time to get up yet. Though he wasn't even fully awake, his little arm popped out of the covers and groped around in the dark until it landed on his cap. Then he sat up, popped the cap on his head, shifted it back and forth until it was on just right, and laid back down to sleep.
I think he's been hanging out with his uncle Kevin too much!
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