Wednesday, September 19, 2007


So, we have mice.

Brad woke up around 3am last night and decided to check the basement for water (it was raining). No water, but he found two mice desperately trying to get out of our laundry sink. He killed them (I love that he's the guy and I'm not!) and went back to bed. This morning he went back down to check out the situation and found TWO more. And then, just moments later, as he bravely ironed his shirt in our now apparently mouse-infested basement (I have not been down there since 3am this morning!), a mouse FELL from the rafters in front of his face. Ok, I'm shuddering even as I type.

I realize I'm kind of a wimp about such things, but it kind of freaks me out that we've never seen a mouse in our basement in three years and then 5 different mice show up in a matter of 4 hours! I'm thinking we have a problem.

Brad thinks so, too. Two trips to Wal-mart and one trip to Ace Hardware later, he was fully equipped for mouse battle: poison, glue traps, some sort of voodoo ultrasound repellers that you plug into the wall (their purpose is to drive the mice out of the walls: I'm not a fan. If we're going to have mice, I prefer them in the walls, rather than out.) So far the score is Brad the Exterminator 3, Mice 2. We're winning!

So why do we feel like sleeping with the lights on tonight?


Amanda said...

Eeeks! I find this both distrubing and hilarious...especially since Brad couldn't even kill a fly when he was younger! My, he's come a long ways! ;)

Uff-Da Gal said...

Oh my gosh! Julie that is awful!!! I jumped just reading about having a mouse drop from the ceiling! Brad is a brave, brave man...