Saturday, June 23, 2007

Simple Pleasures: Closet Update and Liam's Latest

I finished both boys' closets today and it felt so great that I kept going and did the bathroom closet, too.

Both boys pretty much have all their clothes in their dressers, so the closets quickly become a dumping grounds for things they've outgrown. It didn't take as long as I thought to go through everything and get it sorted back into sizes and packed away. The challenge was keeping Liam distracted long enough for me to fold and pack faster than he could unfold and throw across the floor! We just got a big bag of hand-me-downs for Drew (a rarity these days) so it was fun to go through that -- a bunch of really cute shirts from Gap and Old Navy that will be perfect for fall.

I just can't tell you how much I love a newly-organized closet!

In other news, Liam just turned 9 months. We've been convincing ourselves for a while that when he says "mamamama" and "dadadadada" he, of course, means us, his beloved parents. But today, for sure he said "mamamama" every time he wanted me. One time he even patted me on the arm and said, "mamama!" Then, as if asking for his dad, he got kind of pouty and said, "dadada?" That's our boy genius!


Heather said...

Julie, I am now convinced YOU are responsible for my sudden urge to spring clean. What SHOULD have been a quick straightening up of the "storage area" in our basement yesterday, turned into a major excavation as we discovered wet boxes and surprise presents left behind by some not-so-friendly rodents. Uck! More stuff to pile in our recently-cleaned but not so tidy now, garage:(

John Torkelson said...

I miss my nephews! And of course my beautiful sister and her incredible husband!
I can't wait to see you guys sometime soon.