Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Glubs, Katiebugs and Wiggly Readers

I've been keeping a list of the funny 2-yr-old way Liam says certain things that I don't want to forget.

Here's a couple just from today:

(asking about when his birthday is) "When will my birthday be ready?"

(talking about his best friend) "Anna's my SO MUCH friend!"

Some of my other favorites:

gloves (and mittens, actually) = "glubs"

ladybugs = "katiebugs" (I refuse to correct this one, b/c I just love it so and want it to last forever! So shh--don't wreck it! Of course, this is how teenage boys (BRAD) end up still thinking puppies are called "buppies" and a sip of pop is a "zip!")

pretend = "tember" as in, "I tember I baby Cheetah, Mommy. You tember you the Mommy Cheetah!"

hill = "hilp"
kleenex = "pleenex"
McDonalds = "Picdonald's"

And finally, Liam's first knock-knock joke (told consistently, over and over and over and...):

Liam: Knock, Knock
You: Who's there?
Liam: Orange
You: Orange who?
Liam: People!!! (followed - always - by gales of uproarious laughter)

When Drew was two, I didn't have a blog, so I've forgotten most of his funny little sayings. I do remember one, however:

The summer Drew was two, he referred to the Whippy Dip (local ice cream shop) as the "Lip Lip." The neighbors thought that was hilarious and promptly began referring to the Whippy Dip as the Lip Lip from that point forward. The following summer, when Drew was an oh, so mature 3 years old, the neighbor kids asked him if he'd been to the "Lip Lip" yet. He looked at them with total disdain and answered in a perfectly condescending tone, "It's not the Lip Lip. It's the Lippy Dip." Get it right, people.

Of course, at almost six, he's not beyond having his own funny sayings:

My favorites:

weekly reader = "wiggly" reader (again, just can't bear to correct him!)
Mars = Marv's

And one of the all-time best:

Drew: Mom, is Great-Papa one of my anbrothers?
Me: Your what?
Drew: You know...anbrothers? The people that go before you?
Me (after a moment of deep thought): Oh, you mean ancestors?
Drew: Yeah! Ancestors!
Me: Yes, he is.
Drew (after a moment of deep thought and then a burst of laughter): OH! I thought it was ansisters --- and anbrothers!!


John Torkelson said...

You can't forget the dictar = guitar!!!! This is hilarious...thanks for sharing. I love it.

Julie said...

Ooh, good one! I can't believe I forgot that!

Alaina Beth said...

I love this!

Amanda said...

Hey now, don't knock the 'zip'! :)